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My Favorite Money Mindset Books for Women

Understanding the role of mindset in money management is a critical component for achieving and sustaining financial success and abundance. A positive and empowered mindset can significantly impact one’s financial decisions, habits, and ultimately, their financial outcomes. We’ll provide a summary of some of my top favorite books when it comes to money mindset. Each book has its own spin, although I think you’ll find some interesting commonalities between each. So let’s dive in!

  1. “Psych Yourself Rich” By Farnoosh Torabi aims to combine psychological principles with financial strategies to help readers achieve financial success. Here’s what people will learn from the book and the key takeaways:

What you’ll learn:

  • The psychology of money: Readers will understand the relationship between their emotions, behavior, and financial decisions. Torabi delves into how psychological factors like habits, mindset, and emotions influence spending, saving, and investing.
  • Practical financial strategies: The book provides actionable financial advice on budgeting, saving, investing, and debt management. Torabi offers practical steps and tools to help readers take control of their finances and build wealth.
  • Aligning your financial goals with your values: Torabi emphasizes the importance of aligning financial goals with personal values and life goals. Readers will learn how to set meaningful financial goals that reflect their values and create a plan to achieve them.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mindset matters: A positive and proactive mindset is crucial for financial success. Understanding and improving one’s psychological relationship with money can lead to better financial decisions and habits.
  • A holistic approach to wealth: Financial success involves more than just money management; it includes aligning financial decisions with personal values and life goals. This holistic approach ensures that financial planning supports overall well-being and happiness.
  • Empowerment through knowledge: Gaining financial literacy and understanding the psychological aspects of money empowers individuals to take control of their financial future. Equipped with practical strategies and a better mindset, readers can make informed decisions and achieve their financial goals.

In summary, “Psych Yourself Rich” teaches the importance of the psychological aspects of money, provides practical financial strategies, and emphasizes aligning financial goals with personal values. The key takeaways are the significance of mindset, a holistic approach to wealth, and empowerment through financial knowledge.

2. “Why Money Is Not Your Problem” by Janice Hoffman focuses on the deeper issues that influence financial struggles and provides insights into addressing these underlying problems. Here are three key learnings from the book and three key takeaways after reading:

Key Learnings:

  • Identify underlying issues: The book explores the psychological and emotional factors that often underlie financial problems. Readers learn how issues such as self-worth, fear, and limiting beliefs about money can sabotage financial success.
  • Changing money mindset: Hoffman emphasizes the importance of shifting one’s mindset about money. This involves moving from a scarcity mentality to an abundance mindset, where individuals believe in their ability to attract and manage wealth effectively.
  • Practical financial and personal strategies: The book provides both financial advice and personal development strategies. This includes practical tips on budgeting, saving, and investing, as well as techniques for improving self-awareness, building confidence, and setting meaningful goals.

Key Takeaways

  • Money is a symptom, not the root cause: Financial problems are often symptoms of deeper psychological or emotional issues. Addressing these root causes is crucial for achieving long-term financial stability and success.
  • Empowerment through mindset shift: Changing one’s mindset from scarcity to abundance can transform one’s financial situation. Believing in the ability to create and manage wealth empowers individuals to take proactive steps towards financial goals.
  • Holistic approach to financial wellness: Combining practical financial strategies with personal growth and emotional well-being leads to comprehensive financial health. This holistic approach ensures that financial success is sustainable and aligned with personal values and goals.

In summary, “Why Money Is Not Your Problem” will teach you to identify and address the underlying issues affecting your financial situation, emphasizes the importance of a positive money mindset, and combines practical financial advice with personal development strategies. The key takeaways highlight the importance of addressing root causes, shifting to an abundance mindset, and adopting a holistic approach to financial wellness.

3. “Get Rich, Lucky Bitch!” By Denise Duffield-Thomas is a powerful book (and one of my personal favorites) that focuses on transforming one’s financial mindset and clearing money blocks to achieve wealth and abundance. Here are three things people will learn from the book and three key takeaways after reading:

Three Things You’ll Learn: 

  • How to identify and clear money blocks: Denise teaches readers how to identify the subconscious blocks and limiting beliefs that prevent them from achieving financial success. These can include negative associations with money, fear of judgment, and self-doubt.
  • Manifestation techniques to create wealth: This book delves into practical techniques for manifesting wealth, such as visualization, affirmations, and creating vision boards. Readers learn how to align their thoughts and actions with their financial goals.
  • How to create and sustain a wealthy mindset: Duffield-Thomas emphasizes the importance of developing a mindset that supports abundance. This includes cultivating gratitude, setting clear intentions, and adopting habits that reinforce a positive relationship with money.

The three most powerful takeaways: 

  • The power of mindset in wealth creation: A significant takeaway is the realization that mindset plays a crucial role in financial success. By shifting from a scarcity mentality to one of abundance, individuals can unlock new opportunities and attract wealth.
  • Practical steps to overcome financial blocks: This book provides actionable steps to identify and clear financial blocks, such as recognizing limiting beliefs, forgiving past money mistakes, and rewriting one’s money story. These practices help remove barriers to financial growth.
  • The importance of intentionality and alignment: Intentionality in setting financial goals and aligning daily actions with these goals is vital. Readers learn that consistency in small, positive changes can lead to significant financial improvements over time.

“Get Rich, Lucky Bitch!” teaches readers how to identify and clear money blocks, use manifestation techniques to attract wealth, and cultivate a wealthy mindset. The key takeaways highlight the importance of mindset, practical steps to overcome financial obstacles, and the power of intentionality and alignment in achieving financial success.

4. “Rich AF: More Money Than You Know What To Do With,” By Amanda Frances focuses on transforming one’s financial mindset and empowering individuals to attract and manage wealth. Here are three things people will learn from the book and three key takeaways after reading:

Three Things You’ll Learn: 

  • How to develop a wealth mindset: Frances emphasizes the importance of developing a mindset that supports financial abundance. Readers will learn how to shift their thoughts and beliefs about money to cultivate an attitude of wealth and prosperity.
  • Practical manifestation techniques: The book provides practical techniques for manifesting wealth, such as setting clear intentions, using affirmations, and visualizing financial goals. Frances teaches readers how to align their energy and actions with their desired financial outcomes.
  • Empowering financial strategies: Readers will gain insight into strategic financial practices, including budgeting, investing, and managing money with confidence. Frances combines mindset work with actionable financial advice to help readers take control of their finances. 

Three most powerful takeaways:

  • Mindset IS the foundation of wealth: A major takeaway is the understanding that a wealthy mindset is fundamental to financial success. By transforming limiting beliefs and cultivating a positive attitude toward money, individuals can attract more wealth into their lives.
  • Alignment and intention in financial goals: Frances stresses the importance of being intentional and aligned with one’s financial goals. Setting clear intentions and consistently aligning thoughts and actions with these goals can lead to significant financial growth and achievement.
  • Combining mindset and practical actions: The book highlights the need to balance mindset work with practical financial actions. While cultivating a positive money mindset is crucial, taking practical steps like budgeting, investing, and managing finances is equally important for achieving wealth.

In summary, “Rich AF” by Amanda Frances teaches readers how to develop a wealth mindset, use practical manifestation techniques, and implement empowering financial strategies. The key takeaways emphasize the importance of mindset, the power of alignment and intention, and the need to combine mindset work with practical financial actions for comprehensive financial success.

5. “Passive Income Mindset” by Lisa Lemur is a guide aimed at helping readers understand and create streams of passive income to achieve financial freedom. Here are three things people will learn from the book and three key takeaways after reading:

Three Things You’ll Learn: 

  • The various sources of passive income: The book provides an in-depth exploration of different types of passive income sources such as real estate, dividend stocks, online businesses, royalties from intellectual properties, and more. Readers will learn how each source works and what is required to start earning from them.
  • Steps to create and grow passive income streams: Lemur outlines practical steps for building and scaling passive income streams. This includes identifying opportunities, initial setup processes, strategies for growth, and how to maintain these income streams over time.
  • Financial and time management skills: The book emphasizes the importance of managing finances and time effectively to support passive income ventures. Readers will learn budgeting techniques, investment strategies, and tips for efficient time management to balance passive income projects with other responsibilities.

Three Key Takeaways: 

  • Diverse income sources enhance financial security: One key takeaway is the importance of diversifying income sources. Relying on multiple streams of passive income reduces financial risk and enhances overall financial security, providing a buffer against economic fluctuations.
  • Initial effort yields long-term rewards: Lemur highlights that while passive income requires an initial investment of time, effort, and sometimes money, the long-term rewards can be substantial. Once established, passive income streams can provide ongoing revenue with minimal maintenance.
  • Mindset and consistency are crucial: Developing a mindset geared towards financial independence and being consistent in efforts are crucial for success. The book stresses that patience, persistence, and a proactive approach are key to building and sustaining passive income streams. 

In summary, “Passive Income Mindset” By Lisa Lemur teaches readers about various passive income sources, the steps to create and grow these income streams, and the importance of financial and time management. The key takeaways highlight the benefits of diversified income sources, the long-term rewards of initial efforts, and the necessity of the right mindset and consistency for achieving financial independence through passive income.

6. “Rebel Millionaire” by Katrina Ruth is a book that combines entrepreneurial strategies with mindset principles to guide readers toward achieving financial success on their own terms. Here are three things people will learn from the book and three key takeaways after reading:

Three Key Learnings: 

  • Embracing unconventional approaches: This book encourages readers to embrace their unique strengths and ideas, even if they go against conventional wisdom. Katrina Ruth shares her own journey of defying norms and creating a successful business by staying true to herself.
  • Mindset mastery for success: Readers will learn the importance of mindset mastery in achieving entrepreneurial success. Katrina Ruth delves into mindset techniques, such as visualization, affirmations, and reframing limiting beliefs, to help readers overcome obstacles and unlock their full potential.
  • Taking bold action: “Rebel Millionaire” emphasizes the importance of taking bold and decisive action to create the life and business one desires. Katrina Ruth provides practical strategies for overcoming fear, procrastination, and self-doubt to propel readers toward their goals. 

Three Key Takeaways:

  • Authenticity leads to success: A key takeaway is the power of authenticity in entrepreneurship. By embracing one’s unique voice, vision, and values, individuals can attract their ideal audience and create a business that aligns with their true selves.
  • Mindset is EVERYTHING! Another takeaway is the critical role of mindset in achieving success. Cultivating a positive and resilient mindset, and consistently aligning thoughts and actions with goals, is essential for overcoming challenges and achieving long-term success.
  • Take action, drop the perfection: Katrina emphasizes the importance of taking imperfect action over waiting for perfection. Success often comes from taking consistent and bold action, even in the face of uncertainty or imperfection.

Katrina does a phenomenal job in “Rebel Millionaire” teaching readers to embrace their uniqueness, master their mindset, and take bold action to achieve entrepreneurial success. The key takeaways highlight the importance of authenticity, mindset mastery, and taking imperfect action in building a successful and fulfilling business.

I hope this list provided you a solid foundation for diving into your journey of conscious wealth creation. As you can see, every book references the power of the mind in financial growth. These books each highlight how cultivating beliefs of abundance, overcoming limiting beliefs, and adopting a proactive and empowered mindset can lead to better financial choices, increased income opportunities, and overall financial well-being. By understanding and harnessing the power of mindset, you’ll begin to transform your relationship with money and create a path toward financial freedom and success.

Ready to fast-track your journey to wealth creation? Schedule your complimentary consultation call today! Let’s discuss how my personalized “Master Your Money Mindset” program can accelerate your path to financial abundance. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by – unlock the missing piece to your wealth transformation today!

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i'm angie

My mission is very simple: To help you release the bull$hit programming that has left you playing small and wake you up to your limitless potential. 


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