I'm ready to become the 2.0 version of myself!
FREE Master Your Money Mindset Masterclass!
FREE Master Your Money Mindset Masterclass!
FREE Master Your Money Mindset Masterclass!
FREE Master Your Money Mindset Masterclass!
FREE Master Your Money Mindset Masterclass!
FREE Master Your Money Mindset Masterclass!
FREE Master Your Money Mindset Masterclass!
FREE Master Your Money Mindset Masterclass!
FREE Master Your Money Mindset Masterclass!
FREE Master Your Money Mindset Masterclass!
FREE Master Your Money Mindset Masterclass!
FREE Master Your Money Mindset Masterclass!
FREE Master Your Money Mindset Masterclass!
FREE Master Your Money Mindset Masterclass!
FREE Master Your Money Mindset Masterclass!
FREE Master Your Money Mindset Masterclass!
FREE Master Your Money Mindset Masterclass!
FREE Master Your Money Mindset Masterclass!
FREE Master Your Money Mindset Masterclass!
FREE Master Your Money Mindset Masterclass!
FREE Master Your Money Mindset Masterclass!
FREE Master Your Money Mindset Masterclass!
FREE Master Your Money Mindset Masterclass!
FREE Master Your Money Mindset Masterclass!

You came here for hypnosis, but are in for so much more. 

One of the most pivotal parts of your spiritual awakening journey is FIRST getting control of your mind. In order to reprogram, you have to understand that what exists within your mind is OPTIONAL.

Winner in Woodbury's Best of 2023 for "Best Holistic Wellness Practice!"

what if i told you that...

the MOST liberating experience you could have right now is understanding the shackles that have bound you….are not yours?

Self doubt- not yours
Anxiety - not yours
Financial scarcity mindset - not yours
Procrastination and fear - also not yours.

The truth of the matter is, you feel unfulfilled in life because you know you’re meant for so much more. More meaning. More soul-fulfillment. More freedom. More abundance. 

When you regain control of your mind, the most empowering thing can happen - you learn to play the motherfu*king game of life and WIN. 

Welcome, friend. The veil is lifting and you’re about to break free from the matrix, reclaim your sovereignty and redesign your life on your terms.

i'm angie

I help bada$$es like you bridge the gap from where you are to where you want to be. Through my unique fusion of hypnotherapy, coaching, and clinical knowledge, you’ll be guided on a life-changing journey that will reveal, heal, and transform you from the inside-out. 

As a former hospice nurse of 13 years turned hypnosis practitioner, I’m obsessed with the power of the mind and its direct impact on our experience.

My mission is very simple: To help you release the bull$hit programming that has left you playing small and wake you up to your limitless potential. 

Hi there!

more about me

Hypnotherapist | Spiritual Mentor | Empathic Visionary

Ignite The Potential Within

Your 2.0 Version Awaits

Embrace profound, lasting change as you align your mind, body, and spirit to reach your goals with ease  and achieve the life of your dreams.


Imagine having ABSOLUTE CLARITY around your life's purpose and passion. How would that change your experience?


Discover just how EASY it is to truly heal  from the blocks that have been preventing you from reaching your fullest potential, up until now.


Access your free guide and begin your journey to conscious wealth creation.

Four Simple Steps to Become the Master of Your Money Mindset

get your freebie!

Shift Out Of Anxiety in Three Easy Steps

Mindful Money Resources

Unveiling the Difference: Hypnosis vs. Meditation

Enhance Your Intuition: 5 Ways to Develop Your Inner Knowing

Spiritual Topics & Soulful Insights

TranceFormation & All Things Hypnosis

the blog

Your place for all things wealth consciousness, spirituality, and growth mindset.

"Angie Made Me Feel Completely Comfortable Right From The Start.

She is kind, compassionate and caring. She takes the time to listen and understand what brought you in to see her. If you have stress or anxiety that is affecting your daily life, I highly recommend Angie. What she does is life-changing!"


"Angie has been a game changer for me"

In my quest to boost mental health especially when I was doubting myself, spending less time with my loved ones, and was about to get into a downward spiral. Her genuine interest in my life and our consultative approach helped dive into the problems deeply and she guided me to center myself and come up with my own solution. The sessions along with her audio files have been of tremendous benefit despite three months removed from my last one. Would highly recommend her. Thanks for everything Angie!

—SM, Woodbury, MN

"She has helped me during one of the lowest points I’ve experienced in my life."

I walked into her office with tears in my eyes and received nothing but compassion. If you’re truly looking for growth and guidance she meets you with open arms. Not only does she listen but truly cares about you as a person and wants to help in any way that she can.

— Rachel Wincek

"Angie brings a grounding and positive energy to her work

I recently had the opportunity to experience a money mindset hypnosis session with Angie, and it was nothing short of transformative 🌟. Angie brings a grounding 🌱 and positive energy 💫 to her work, making me feel immediately at ease. Her approach to hypnosis is both gentle and powerful, leading to profound shifts in my perspectives on money 💸. With Angie's guidance, I gained new insights into how money is received and the spirit with which we give. This experience has not only altered my views on financial matters but has also instilled a sense of peace and empowerment in my daily life. I highly recommend Angie to anyone looking to change their money mindset!

— Sarah Milligan

"Thank you Angie, you are the absolute best!"

Angie is seriously one of the most heart-centered and sincere person I have gotten the pleasure of meeting. Her guiding help and expertise has helped me far beyond I ever hoped for! Thank you Angie, you are the absolute best!

— Scoti Wagner

"Angie Kircher was the right person for me."

In 2023, I decided to use hypnosis to assist me in alleviating anxiety around medical issues. Angie Kircher was the right person for me. Through her facilitation, not only do I feel more empowered about handling health issues that may come my way, but she provided me with useful tools that I can use daily to reinforce the self-empowerment work that I’m doing. What a find!

— Nita Miller

"I came for the hypnosis and stayed for the F bombs!!"

Angie is amazing and her hypnosis has been an effing game changer for me!! I have consistently seen results with her work and look forward to continued abundance.

— NeuroticFarmer

Release yourself from the status quo & embrace a life of conscious creation. 

Your transformational journey starts here.

I can't wait
to meet you

Revolutionize Your Mindset

Sign up today to begin transforming your life from the inside out.

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i'm angie

My mission is very simple: To help you release the bull$hit programming that has left you playing small and wake you up to your limitless potential. 


Hi there!
